Seaweed has always been considered a very healthy option to add to your diet. Many articles talk about how healthy seaweed is, comparing it to kale or spinach. Most parents know that getting a child to eat healthy is an ongoing battle, so the thought of incorporating seaweed into their diets sounds like a daunting task. Before you set aside the option of seaweed for your kids, understand the health benefits of seaweed for kids every parent should know.

Seaweed has nutrients that kids need

Children need the right nutrition to be strong and healthy. Did you know that there are over 21 varieties of edible seaweed? The varieties most people consume include nori, wakame, kelp, laver and dulse. Nori  is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2 and C as well as iodine. It is also a great lean protein source. Dulse is also a great choice of seaweed for children as it has a high content of protein, iron, magnesium and beta carotene.

Seaweed is a great source of iron

Seaweed is a natural, non-animal source of vitamin B-12 and is high in iron.. Those who are strict vegetarians (vegans) are more prone to be deficient in B-12 since animal flesh is the common source of this vitamin. Kelp contains 2.8 milligrams of iron per 100 grams. Wakame contains 2.1 milligrams of iron per 100 grams. Due to the abundance of iron in seaweed, iron deficiency in children can be prevented by adding seaweed to their diet.

Other benefits of seaweed for kids (and adults!)

Here are a few other benefits of seaweed to consider:

  • Good for dental health
  • Helps improve memory
  • Supports good eyesight
  • Helps build strong bones
  • Assists the immune system
  • Keeps heart vessels healthy
  • Supports clear skin
  • Keeps the digestive system healthy
  • Best natural source of iodine

How to get your kids to eat seaweed

Right now you might be thinking, “Seaweed really is healthy, but how do I get my kids to eat it?”  Good question!  Here are a few suggestions:

As with regular vitamins and supplements, look for a seaweed supplement made just for kids.  Sea Veg® Junior from FarmaSea™ is an organic seaweed and sea plant supplement for children, in a tasty, chewable tablet. Tasty for them, and healthy too!

If you’re lucky enough to have a child with an adventurous palate, there are many options for getting seaweed into their diet. Otherwise, try one of the suggestions above. There are so many health benefits of seaweed for kids that it’s worth a try!