Alkalizing refers to neutralizing acids in the body that could otherwise leave it susceptible to disease. Acidity (pH) is measured in pH levels. A pH of 7 is neutral.

Different parts of the body have higher pH levels than others. Blood should ideally have a pH of 7.4, while the inside of the stomach is around 3 thanks to hydrochloric acid used in digestion.

People can take steps to strengthen their bodies through exercise and, to a lesser extent, diet, in order to strengthen their immune system.

  • Lactic acid is a toxic substance that accumulates in the muscle tissues during exercise. It’s carried away in the bloodstream to the liver, where any stored energy is released and it essentially becomes a carbon dioxide waste product. Most of it is expelled through the lungs, and the kidneys take care of any remaining acid waste.
  • Alkalizing foods add little to no additional acids to the body, allowing it to process waste more efficiently.

Seaweed such as wakame is one food that has a pH close to 7 (neutral). Leafy green vegetables like spinach and watercress and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower are alkalizing, meaning they lower acidity in the body, and can offset high-acid foods like coffee, cheese, and meats.

Here are a few other reasons to alkalize the body:

  • Improves digestive health. Alkalized foods act like a natural antacid and can lower the incidence of heartburn and reflux.
  • Assists with weight loss. Excess weight may be the result of the body’s inability to flush out the acidity. People who alkalize often notice a drop in their weight.
  • Strengthens the immune system. Too much acidity makes the body susceptible to viruses, bacteria, and fungi.
  • Slows premature aging. Accumulation of acids — acidosis — can hasten aging. Keeping a healthy pH balance won’t delay aging, but it can prevent some premature aging of internal organs.
  • Healthier hair, skin, and nails. Lower pH improves their health and appearance.

Try Sea Veg® whole food seaweed supplements to discover amazing, life-changing benefits of our products. They are made from the finest, organic ingredients to help you fortify your immune system, restore your metabolism, and slow the inevitable aging process. Reach out to us if you have more questions about Sea Veg® products. We care about your health!