Seaweed is loaded with trace minerals, major minerals, and electrolytes that together boost energy, help burn calories and encourage weight loss.

While nutritionists agree that consuming fewer calories does more to stimulate weight loss than exercise alone (which builds muscle, and muscle actually weighs more than fat), a growing number acknowledge that certain foods literally fight fat.

Weight loss benefits include:

  • Lower risk for developing type 2 diabetes
  • Less dependence on insulin for those with diabetes;
  • some people actually lose enough weight that they no longer require it
  • Less muscle pain as the body’s weight load drops
  • More energy
  • Less depression
  • Improved sleep
  • Improved sex
  • Healthier hair and skin

Perhaps the major weight loss benefit is reversing a lifetime of poor health due to inactivity and lack of stimulation.

What you eat has a lot to do with weight loss success. Substitute high-calorie, high carbohydrate foods with whole foods that have more nutrients and fats and less sugar content. Look for foods that also boost metabolism, which is the rate at which the body burns off calories.

Seaweed contains iodine, which the thyroid needs to maintain a healthy metabolic rate. Adding a small amount of food with iodine to the diet helps the thyroid keep hormone production steady, and ensures it gets enough iodine to help the body recover after a workout. And as you’ve probably noticed, exercise tends to take your attention away from food — and you can’t eat during vigorous exercise anyway!

The electrolytes in seaweed actually disrupt the chemical bonds that hold fat cells together, essentially breaking them up and breaking down cellulite. Snacking on seaweed chips, or introducing seaweed supplements in your diet, for example, not only introduces more fat-burning elements but helps build up muscles. It’s better to have more of your weight to come from muscle than fat.

Sea Veg® whole food seaweed supplements are made from the finest, organic ingredients. Try our products to discover many health benefits of sea vegetables.